Tableau NorthEdge Building

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Food, coffee, and restaurants close to Tableau NorthEdge

  1. Lassi & Spice is a cafe with indian that is 0.0 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Lassi & Spice. Get directions to Lassi & Spice via Google Maps.
  2. Pablo y Pablo is a restaurant with mexican that is 0.0 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Pablo y Pablo. Get directions to Pablo y Pablo via Google Maps.
  3. Varsity Inn Restaurant is a restaurant with american that is 0.1 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Varsity Inn Restaurant. Get directions to Varsity Inn Restaurant via Google Maps.
  4. Mas Café is a cafe with coffee shop, sandwich that is 0.1 miles from NorthEdge. Get directions to Mas Café via Google Maps.
  5. Concessions is a fast food that is 0.2 miles from NorthEdge. Get directions to Concessions via Google Maps.
  6. Livbud is a cafe that is 0.2 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Livbud. Get directions to Livbud via Google Maps.
  7. Fiasco is a restaurant with italian that is 0.2 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Fiasco. Get directions to Fiasco via Google Maps.
  8. The Whale Wins is a restaurant with seafood that is 0.2 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for The Whale Wins. Get directions to The Whale Wins via Google Maps.
  9. Joule is a restaurant with american, korean that is 0.2 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Joule. Get directions to Joule via Google Maps.
  10. Mini Bar Seattle is a pub that is 0.2 miles from NorthEdge. Get directions to Mini Bar Seattle via Google Maps.
  11. I Love Teriyaki is a fast food with japanese that is 0.2 miles from NorthEdge. Get directions to I Love Teriyaki via Google Maps.
  12. Pacific Inn Pub is a pub with fish and chips that is 0.2 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Pacific Inn Pub. Get directions to Pacific Inn Pub via Google Maps.
  13. Fremont Dock is a pub that is 0.2 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Fremont Dock. Get directions to Fremont Dock via Google Maps.
  14. Figurehead Stone Way is a pub that is 0.2 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Figurehead Stone Way. Get directions to Figurehead Stone Way via Google Maps.
  15. Wet Clay Cafe is a cafe that is 0.3 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Wet Clay Cafe. Get directions to Wet Clay Cafe via Google Maps.
  16. Union Saloon is a pub with regional that is 0.3 miles from NorthEdge. Visit the website for Union Saloon. Get directions to Union Saloon via Google Maps.

All nearby amenities for Tableau NorthEdge

There are at least 1307 amenities within 1 mile of Tableau NorthEdge. Here's a summary of the closest business and amenities.

Category Retail/Store Total
Top 5 Closest Amenities (with distance in miles)
bars/restaurants 373 Pablo y Pablo (0.00), Lassi & Spice (0.00), Varsity Inn Restaurant (0.08), Mas Café (0.15), Concessions (0.19)
parks & rec 90 Waterway 21 (0.05), Wallingford Steps (0.06), Nohala Park (0.11), Gas Works Park (0.15)
hair salon/barber store 51 Nola (0.23), Lilt Salon (0.27), Chroma Salon (0.30), Brown Hair (0.32), Bishops (0.34)
medical 50 Dr. Sunny Kim, DDS (0.04), Endodontic Solutions (0.17), D. Andrew Lewis, DDS (0.19), Bastyr Center for Natural Health (0.34), Alpine Physical Therapy (0.41)
fitness center 47 Studio Evolve (0.03), Seattle Bouldering Project (0.22), Embrace the Moon (0.25), Experience Momentum (0.27), OmCulture (0.27)
parking 31 Florentia Street End (0.51), Lot #75 (0.80), W40 (0.95), QFC Parking Lot (0.96), Ross Lot (1.01)
religious facility 31 The Hallows Church (0.31), Nalanda West (0.51), Fremont Baptist Church (0.53), Gift of Grace Lutheran Church (0.58), Hope Bible Fellowship Church (0.61)
school store 27 Blue Ribbon Cooking (0.48), Seattle Country Day School (0.60), Hamilton International Middle School (0.66), B.F. Day School (0.68)
health/beauty store 25 Eames NW (0.40), Red Curtain (0.51), Blue Owl Workshop (0.53), Aesop (0.55), Show Pony (0.57)
beauty salon store 25 Seattle Skin Essentials (0.50), Skin Spin (0.55), Splash (0.58), Wax On Spa (0.59), Two Smiling Feet (0.64)
dessert store 24 Sea Wolf (0.30), Brownies & Bites (0.46), Midnight Cookie Co (0.49), Lazy Cow Bakery (0.54), Paper Cake Shop (0.65)
vices store 22 Fremont Brewing Merchantile (0.27), Oz. Recreational Marijuana (0.44), Cesars Salad (0.59), Hashtag Cannabis (0.60), Fremont Cigar & Vape (0.61)
entertainment 20 Locurio (0.58), Fremont Foundry (0.82), Fremont Studios (0.83), University House Wallingford (0.86), FamilyWorks (0.91)
gifts store 17 Love Lurra (0.56), Portage Bay Goods (0.57), Sfingiday (0.60), The Uncommon Cottage (0.71), Juniper Flowers (0.72)
convenience store store 16 7-Eleven (0.53), Durn Good Grocery (0.54), Westlake Deli & Grocery (0.60), Pete's Wine Shop And Groceries (0.63), Eastlake Market (0.76)
parking space 16 7 (1.28), 2 (1.28), 6 (1.28), 5 (1.28), 3 (1.28)
marina 16 Affinity Marina (0.14), Lake Union Waterworks (0.25), Gas Works Park Marina (0.26), Fremont Tug & Boat Co. (0.28), Sea Scout Base Lake Union (0.31)
transportation store 14 Pacific Rim Automotive (0.40), Elon's Automotive (0.41), Vallantine Motor Works (0.62), British European (0.82), Jiffy Lube (1.06)
library 13 Fremont Library (0.48), Little Free Library (0.51), Wallingford Library (0.92)
dry cleaning store 13 Aloha Dry Cleaners (0.79), Surf Cleaners (0.90), Julie’s Cleaners (0.93), Wallingford Dry Cleaners (0.94), Barg French Cleaners (0.99)
massage store 11 The One Massage Spa (0.64), Sunny Massage (0.68), O Spa (0.93), Massage Reimagined (1.06), Reflex Massage (1.06)
bicycle parking 11 Mercer A Bike Storage (1.01), UW Bike Locker Location 17 (1.19), UW Bike Locker Location 31 (1.20), UW Bike Locker Location 30 (1.23), UW Bike Locker Location 16 (1.23)
parks & rec store 11 Urban Surf (0.18)
bike path 10 Burke-Gilman Trail (0.00), Westlake Protected Bike Lane (0.37), Cheshiahud Lake Union Loop (0.38), Ship Canal Trail (0.75), Colonnade Park Cut-Through Trail (1.00)
physical activity store 10 Davidson Handbuilt Bicycles (0.23), Seattle BMX (0.51), Wading Pools and Sprayparks (0.76)
interior decoration store 9 Seattle Interiors (0.42), Dote (0.58), Best Plumbing (0.67), Cabinetpak Kitchens (0.74), Harold's Lighting (0.95)
parking entrance 9 Office Parking (0.21), Retail Parking (0.22), GarageHop (0.60), Fremont Village Square (0.61), Dexter Station Parking Garage (1.25)
finance store 9 UnionBank (0.62), BECU (0.84), Wells Fargo (0.92), Chase (0.93), Verity Credit Union (0.96)
boat store 9 Lake Union Sea Ray (0.69), Peterson Yacht Service (1.02), The Emerald Pacific Yachts (1.13), Yachtfish (1.23), Ocean Trawler Yachts (1.29)
grocery store store 8 PCC (0.59), QFC (0.96), Marketime (1.01), Trader Joe's (1.12), Trinity Market (1.22)
sports field 8 Eastlake Boulodrome Park (0.51), Wallace Athletic Field (0.96), Colonnade Mountain Bike Skills Course (1.05), Woodland Park Tennis Court (Upper) (1.22), Mariners All-Star Field at Lower Woodland Park (1.25)
library store 8 Ophelia's Books (0.55), Book Larder (0.91)
music store 7 Dusty Strings (0.53), Jive Time Records (0.55), Fat Cat Records (0.73), Daybreak Records (0.98), Golden Oldies (1.04)
community center 7 Troll's Knoll P-Patch (0.50), Doric Lodge No. 92 (0.60), Area 01 Community Center (1.14), EarthGen (1.14), Queen Anne Community Center (1.22)
sports center 7 All Together Skatepark (0.20), Lake Washington Rowing Club (0.37), College Club Seattle (0.58), George Pocock Memorial Rowing Center (0.79), Royal Brougham Pavilion (1.03)
art store 7 FrameUp Studios (0.58), Edge of Glass (0.66), ArtFX Studio (0.73), Saltstone Ceramics (0.98), The Fountainhead (1.39)
veterinary 6 Cat Clinic of Seattle (0.45), Fremont Animal Hospital (0.60), Emerald City Emergency Clinic (0.64), Northwest Veterinary Hospital (1.16), Queen Anne Animal Clinic (1.20)
tattoo store 6 Blood Orange (0.53), Hidden Hand Tattoo (0.54), 36th Street Tattoo (0.65), Alder & Ash Tattoo (0.96), Slave to the Needle (1.12)
physical activity 6 VAM Studios (0.50), Dance Fremont! (0.58)
parcel locker 6 Amazon Locker Appu (0.54), Amazon Locker Britnee (0.84), Amazon Locker Amee (0.88), Amazon Hub Locker (1.28), Amazon Locker - Slagle (1.36)
skip 6 Seattle North Detachment (0.80), University of Washington Roosevelt Medical Center Pharmacy (1.18), University of Washington Police Department (1.25)
theater 6 Gas Works Amphitheater (0.23), West of Lenin (0.88), Ethnic Cultural Theater (1.20), Floyd and Delores Jones Playhouse (1.27), Neptune Theatre (1.43)
gas station store 5 Morrison's North Star Marine (0.34), Shell (0.91), Wallingford Shell (1.07), 76 (1.12), University Chevron (1.29)
pet store 5 All the Best (0.44), Wally Pets (0.89), Earthwise Pet (0.92), All The Best Pet Care (1.08), Petco (1.24)
laundry store 5 Clean Express Laundromat (0.23), Fremont Laundry Center (0.93), Queen Anne Laundry Room (1.07), Wallingford Laundromat (1.25), University Laundry Center (1.48)
optician store 5 Eyes On Fremont (0.92), Optical Solutions (1.01), Colaizzo Opticians (1.25), City Eye Care (1.35), Davis Optical Xpress (1.43)
copyshop store 5 FedEx Office (0.64), G & H Printing (0.66), ABC Imaging (1.05), Professional Copy & Print (1.36), EZ Print & Copy Shop (1.45)
school 5 Fremont Community School (0.19)
boat rental 5 Northwest Outdoor Center (0.62), Agua Verde Paddle Club (1.11), Moss Bay (1.27), Boat Rental Livery (1.35), Rowboat Rentals (1.39)
childcare 4 Sycamore Childcare Center (0.22), Wallingford Child Care Center (0.72), Hilltop Children's Center Queen Anne (0.87), Interlake Childcare and Learning Center (1.17)

Other Campus Buildings near Tableau NorthEdge

  1. Google Park View Building 0.54 miles
  2. Google Waterside Building 0.54 miles
  3. Meta Westlake 1.22 miles
  4. Meta Dexter 1.24 miles
  5. Google Mera 1.48 miles
  6. Google Google SLU 1.48 miles
  7. Amazon Prime 1.56 miles
  8. Amazon Bigfoot 1.56 miles
  9. Amazon Wainwright 1.56 miles
  10. Amazon Obidos 1.56 miles
  11. Amazon Fiona 1.56 miles
  12. Amazon Nessie 1.58 miles
  13. Amazon Port 99 1.59 miles
  14. Amazon Rufus 1.59 miles
  15. Amazon Amelia 1.6 miles
Tableau NorthEdge map Tableau NorthEdge aerial view